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PART HER is a project that aims at reframing the valorization of cultural heritage as a bottom-up process starting from citizens. Although the role of the Institutions in the valorization and conservation of cultural heritage is essential, it should not be forgotten that cultural heritage is, as its core, a social construction resulting directly from the perceptions, values and sensitivities of the people belonging to a given community, whether it be small or wide.

From such crucial assumption, contained in the Council of Europe Convention on the Value of Cultural Heritage for Society (or Faro Convention) and in the European Landscape Convention, stems the need to promote the role of citizens in the identification of the tangible and intangible elements that shape cultural heritage at the local as well as at the European level. PART HER answers to such need.

02Aims & Objectives

The general objective pursued by PART HER is to contribute to the development at European level of a participated approach to cultural heritage as a crucial factor for a shared identity. The specific objectives can be expressed as follows:

To foster the role of citizens in choosing the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of their territory, increasing local communities self-confidence end empowerment.

To promote reflection and debate about a common (European) view of cultural heritage stemming from citizens’ perspective within the support of local authorities and museums.

To be an innovative and experimental laboratory for the implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on the Value of Cultural Heritage for Society (Faro Convention) and the European Landscape Convention.


In order to achieve the objectives of PART HER, a set of actions have been planned. These include:

Two coordination meetings among the project partners aimed at defining the details of the project activities and at monitoring and evaluating the outcomes of the project.

Two transnational seminars in which the project partners can reflect on how cultural heritage is approached and defined at the local level and choose the best tool for a participated mapping of cultural heritage involving citizens and Civil Society Organizations in the participating countries.

A final event dedicated to the presentation of the result of the project: a European interactive map of cultural heritage realized with the contribution of citizens and Civil Society Organizations.

Are you a citizen or an organization? Do you know any places, piece of arts, songs, feasts, words, stories, jobs, etc. that, according to you and to your perceptions, form your cultural heritage? Would you like to share it with other people of your community? Then click on the link below!

Be part of the project!